
The built-in enum mapper is not configurable, it can only be replaced. Alternatively, AutoMapper supports convention based mapping of enum values in a separate package AutoMapper.Extensions.EnumMapping.


For method CreateMap this library provide a ConvertUsingEnumMapping method. This method add all default mappings from source to destination enum values.

If you want to change some mappings, then you can use MapValue method. This is a chainable method.

Default the enum values are mapped by value (explicitly: MapByValue()), but it is possible to map by name calling MapByName().

using AutoMapper.Extensions.EnumMapping;

public enum Source
    Default = 0,
    First = 1,
    Second = 2

public enum Destination
    Default = 0,
    Second = 2

internal class YourProfile : Profile
    public YourProfile()
        CreateMap<Source, Destination>()
            .ConvertUsingEnumMapping(opt => opt
		        // optional: .MapByValue() or MapByName(), without configuration MapByValue is used
		        .MapValue(Source.First, Destination.Default)
            .ReverseMap(); // to support Destination to Source mapping, including custom mappings of ConvertUsingEnumMapping

Default Convention

The package AutoMapper.Extensions.EnumMapping will map all values from Source type to Destination type if both enum types have the same value (or by name or by value). All Source enum values which have no Source equivalent, will throw an exception if EnumMappingValidation is enabled.

ReverseMap Convention

For method ReverseMap the same convention is used as for default mappings, but it also respects override enum value mappings if possible.

The following steps determines the reversed overrides:

  1. Create mappings for Source to Destination (default convention), including custom overrides.

  2. Create mappings for Destination to Source (default convention), without custom overrides (must be determined)

  3. The mappings from step 1 will be used to determine the overrides for the ReverseMap. Therefore the mappings are grouped by Destination value.

     3a) if there is a matching `Source` value for the `Destination` value, then that mapping is preferred and no override is needed

    It is possible that a Destination value has multiple Source values specified by override mappings.

    We have to determine which Source value will be the new Destination for the current Destination value (which is the new Source value)

    For every Source value per grouped Destination value:

     3b) if the `Source` enum value does not exists in the `Destination` enum type, then that mapping cannot reversed
     3c) if there is a `Source` value which is not a `Destination` part of the mappings from step 1, then that mapping cannot reversed
     3d) if the `Source` value is not excluded by option b and c, the that `Source` value is the new `Destination` value.
  4. All overrides which are determined in step 3 will be applied to mappings from step 2.

  5. Finally, the custom mappings provided to method ReverseMap will be applied.


AutoMapper provides a nice tooling for validating typemaps. This package adds an extra EnumMapperConfigurationExpressionExtensions.EnableEnumMappingValidation extension method to extend the existing AssertConfigurationIsValid() method to validate also the enum mappings.

To enable testing the enum mapping configuration:

public class MappingConfigurationsTests
    public void WhenProfilesAreConfigured_ItShouldNotThrowException()
        // Arrange
        var config = new MapperConfiguration(configuration =>

        // Assert